Power and Character – Easter 2023 (Matthew 28:1-9)

You Might Be a Humanist If…(1) 

VIEW VIDEO  Good morning, friends. It is good to be back after yearly meeting and Fifth Sunday. After speculating three Sundays ago that if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a humanist, I am announcing the beginning of a new series entitled, “You Might Be a Humanist...
Power and Character – Easter 2023 (Matthew 28:1-9)

Was Jesus a Humanist?   

VIEW VIDEO  I was thinking this week about how computers make everything so much easier, which is good and bad. Computers spare us from drudgery and make it possible to accomplish more work. Before we had computers, it used to take me 3-4 weeks to spend my paycheck,...
Power and Character – Easter 2023 (Matthew 28:1-9)

Growing Up (12)

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this sermon series on the characteristics of grown-up people. This is the 12th sermon in this series, which makes it the longest sermon series I’ve ever given. Since God gave only 10 commandments, it feels arrogant to exceed that number, to...