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These sites do not necessarily reflect all of the views of Philip Gulley, but they have content you may find helpful and interesting.

Fairfield Friends Meeting
The Quaker spiritual community that Philip pastors.

American Friends Service Committee
Quaker organization committed to the principles of nonviolence and justice.
A complete listing of Quaker resources, including Quaker meetings, organizations, schools and businesses.

The Center for Progressive Christianity
A non-profit organization whose focus is primarily about rethinking and re-conceptualizing the theological and Christological foundations of the Christian faith.
A non-profit organization dedicated to gratefulness, a universal principle that serves as the core inspiration for personal growth, cross-cultural understanding, interfaith dialogue, intergenerational respect and ecological sustainability.

30 Good Minutes
The Chicago Sunday Evening Club’s web site features broadcasts from many of America’s great religious thinkers, from a broad range of denominations and faith traditions.
A multi-faith organization dedicated to disseminating information about all religions and promoting religious tolerance.

Right Sharing of World Resources
A program of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) supporting grassroots projects for economic development and offering educational materials for the study of the lives of the poor, the lives of the rich, and the spiritual meaning of both.

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
A non-profit ministry that works to encourage the nonviolent transformation of conflict in relationships in homes, workplaces, schools, churches, and throughout the world. They offer workshops, clinics and training programs designed to address conflict r

Carrie Newcomer
Musician, activist, Quaker and friend. There are singers more widely known, but few who sing so lovely, so consistently beautifully year after year, each collection of songs better, stronger, more winsome, than the one before it.

Tim Grimm
Americana Folk musician, award-winning songwriter and stage and screen actor.

Publisher of many fine books.

Random House/Crown Publishing
Publisher of many fine books.

WFYI Indianapolis
Our good friends in public broadcasting.

Indianapolis Monthly Magazine
Everything you need to know about living in Indianapolis.

Indiana Friends Committee on Legislation
IFCL attempts to translate the social concerns of Friends into legislative action by advocating Quaker beliefs to Indiana legislators.

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