Finding Our Way (7)

Finding Our Way (7)

VIEW VIDEO  My brother Glenn and his wife Laurie have retired and are traveling the world seeing the sights, last year Europe, this year the Wild West. Now they’re at a dude ranch in Wyoming, getting along with the little dogies, or whatever it is one does at a dude...
Finding Our Way (7)

Christianity 101: The True Woman

VIEW VIDEO  I remember, this was 30 some years ago when I was pastoring up in the city, we were approaching Mother’s Day and a woman approached me and said, “I hope on Mother’s Day, you don’t talk about how wonderful mothers are, because mine wasn’t. My mother was...
Finding Our Way (7)

What COVID-19 Has Taught Me 

This is the first pandemic for most of us, having not been alive when the Spanish flu struck in 1918. We’ve had our share of epidemics since then─diphtheria, measles, polio, and AIDS, but nothing on the scale of COVID-19. FYI, epidemics strike specific regions or...
Pay Close Attention

Pay Close Attention

Our granddaughter Madeline was visiting us last Saturday. Joan had to go to the grocery store, so I was watching Madeline. Her fifth birthday was this past Friday, so we were talking about that, and were having this wonderful conversation, when she asked me how babies...