Finding Our Way (10)

Finding Our Way (10)

VIEW VIDEO  Last month, Frank Gladden, bemoaning the scarcity of rain, questioned whether I had any pull with the Lord. I said, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?” He said, “My beans need rain. A real preacher would get me some rain.” So to save Frank’s beans and my...
Finding Our Way (10)

Finding Our Way (3)    

VIEW VIDEO  I have a cousin who ended up in the hospital a few months ago thinking he was going to die. Fortunately, he turned the corner, but there for a little while his mind was turned to his own mortality, so had a will drawn up, and phoned to ask if I would be...
Finding Our Way (10)

A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

VIEW VIDEO   These past few years, since her husband became disabled, I’ve been doing the upkeep on my sister’s home. It’s a well-built home, built in the 1960s of Bedford limestone, but was nearly ruined by the previous owner who fancied himself an expert on home...
Finding Our Way (10)

Epiphanies and Other Things I Question  

VIEW VIDEO  One of the things I admire about Joan, besides her intelligence, kindness, and beauty, is her uncanny knack for remembering dates. Sometimes, out of the blue, she’ll mention, “Today is so-and-so’s birthday,” and it will be someone we knew 30 years ago who...