Growing Up (1)

Growing Up (1)

This past Monday, I was in a bad mood, out of sorts, and Joan was getting exasperated with me. We ordinarily get along very well, but I discerned from her plain Quaker speech that she was exasperated with me. “What’s wrong with you today?” she asked. I didn’t want to...
Growing Up (1)

Palm Sunday 2020

Mark 11:1-10 When a pastor is dependent upon human interaction for their sermon illustrations, social distancing can be alarming. I never realized just how dependent I’d become upon the Clayton Café for inspiration. But I stayed away from others the entire week,...
Growing Up (1)

Jesus and Social Distancing

  **VIEW VIDEO MESSAGE** I was listening to the news on my office radio the other day and a commentator on NPR described “social distancing” as a new development, something we’ve never done before. I don’t know what world that commentator has lived in, but...