Finding Our Way (3)    

Finding Our Way (3)    

VIEW VIDEO  I have a cousin who ended up in the hospital a few months ago thinking he was going to die. Fortunately, he turned the corner, but there for a little while his mind was turned to his own mortality, so had a will drawn up, and phoned to ask if I would be...
Finding Our Way (3)    

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (7)

When I was a kid, my dad worked for Johnson Wax, selling Raid bug spray, Pledge furniture wax, and Glade air freshener, driving from one small town to another, all over the state of Indiana. It was the perfect job for an extrovert, seeing old friends and making new...
Finding Our Way (3)    

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

I’ve been talking about things I’ve learned from Christmas, and you all have been so patient to indulge my musings. We began by thinking about anticipation and how the anticipation of an event is often better than the event itself. I concluded by urging you to dream...