Growing Up (3)

Growing Up (3)

The past two Saturdays, I’ve thrown caution to the wind and ridden motorcycles down to the Hilltop Restaurant with Mike Goss to have fried chicken. We go in late afternoon to avoid the crowds and eat outside on the patio. I order fried chicken, which has been...
Growing Up (3)

What COVID-19 Has Taught Me 

This is the first pandemic for most of us, having not been alive when the Spanish flu struck in 1918. We’ve had our share of epidemics since then─diphtheria, measles, polio, and AIDS, but nothing on the scale of COVID-19. FYI, epidemics strike specific regions or...
Growing Up (3)

Beside Still Waters

It’s interesting the things people do during a quarantine. There is a race known as the Cannonball Run, which consists of seeing how fast one drives across the United States. Last week, a team of drivers in an Audi A8 sedan left New York City and arrived in Redondo...