How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

VIEW VIDEO  One of humanity’s biggest problems is that people who think they’re wonderful often aren’t, and people who are wonderful seldom believe they are. It’s nearly impossible to persuade a narcissist of his need to grow. And similarly, it’s incredibly hard to...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

VIEW VIDEO  I was at a weeklong conference up north about fifteen or so years ago. One morning after I spoke, I was chatting with folks, shaking hands, that kind of thing, when I was approached by three women, who asked if I would meet with them privately that...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

Is Religion A Force for Good or Evil? (4)

VIEW VIDEO  We’re continuing our discussion about religion and whether it is a force for good or evil. I thought it would be appropriate, before we went much further, to tell you how I came to believe in the Christian god. When I was a teenager, I began researching...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (8)

Habits of Wholeness (5)

VIEW VIDEO When I applied for seminary, I had to undergo psychological testing to discern my mental fitness for ministry. This was in 1988, when Chris Gautier’s grandmother, Dr. Sue Cardwell, did the psychological evaluations for Christian Theological Seminary. She is...