Things We Got Just Right (Sacramental Living)

Quaker Qualities (Osmosing)

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to meet a prominent Quaker who had studied at several of our Quaker colleges and universities and had written extensively about Quakerism. He was a pre-eminent expert on all-things Quakerism and would tell you so if you talked...
Things We Got Just Right (Sacramental Living)

Every Child in Every Picture   

After my parents passed away, my brother David gathered all the family pictures together, divvied them up into five separate piles, based on the sibling featured in the photograph. My sister received the biggest stack of pictures, being the first child, and my brother...
Things We Got Just Right (Sacramental Living)

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (2)

VIEW VIDEO  Last week, we thought about what it means to be spiritual. We observed that while we can be compelled to participate in religious rituals, either by family or social norms, no one can compel us to be spiritual. We can never be spiritual just because...
Things We Got Just Right (Sacramental Living)

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (1)

VIEW VIDEO  Have you ever noticed that as you age your mind returns to distant moments in your life, events that seemed unimportant at the time, but when viewed in retrospect take on significance? Perhaps it was the first time you met your spouse. When my mother was...