How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

I know those people who were counting on a stunning come-from-behind victory for Vivek Ramaswamy are surely disappointed after his departure from the presidential race this week. I think we can all agree our nation has been well-served by billionaires with no...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

VIEW VIDEO  When I was 6 years-old, my great-uncle Fritz died and I wanted to go to his funeral, not because I was especially fond of him, I barely knew him, but because I’d never seen a dead person, except in the movies. My brother Glenn, the veteran of several...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (2)

VIEW VIDEO  Last week, we thought about what it means to be spiritual. We observed that while we can be compelled to participate in religious rituals, either by family or social norms, no one can compel us to be spiritual. We can never be spiritual just because...