How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

I know those people who were counting on a stunning come-from-behind victory for Vivek Ramaswamy are surely disappointed after his departure from the presidential race this week. I think we can all agree our nation has been well-served by billionaires with no...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

You Might Be a Humanist If… (4) 

VIEW VIDEO  “We affirm humanism as a realistic alternative to theologies of despair and ideologies of violence and as a source of rich personal significance and genuine satisfaction in the service to others.” – Paul Kurtz of Free Inquiry Whenever we go to the farm, we...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

Habits of Wholeness (2)

VIEW VIDEO One of my favorite things in our local newspaper, The Republican, is the yesteryear column that recalls local news from decades ago. This week’s column reminded readers that in 1971 all my family but me went to Vincennes to celebrate my sister’s birthday,...