Characteristics of Good Relationships (2)

Characteristics of Good Relationships (2)

We’ve been hearing the word unprecedented a lot this month. My friend Howard Macy recently said the frequency of the word unprecedented is unprecedented. Every time I watch the news, I hear the word unprecedented, as if for the past 245 years, the United States has...
Characteristics of Good Relationships (2)

Growing Up (5)

It rained this past Tuesday and the kids next door played games on their front porch. It reminded me of when I was a kid, how on rainy days we’d gather on our front porch and play this game we called Imagine. “Imagine,” we would say, “you were the President of the...
Characteristics of Good Relationships (2)

Jesus and Social Distancing

  **VIEW VIDEO MESSAGE** I was listening to the news on my office radio the other day and a commentator on NPR described “social distancing” as a new development, something we’ve never done before. I don’t know what world that commentator has lived in, but...