How to Die Before You’re Dead (5)      

How to Die Before You’re Dead     

I walked into town one day this week for lunch. It was a glorious, early autumn days that God is inclined to grace us with every now and then. Brilliant blue skies, pleasant temperatures, farm equipment passing by, the farmers on their way to their next field. Autumn...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (5)      

Christianity 101: God 

VIEW VIDEO  I was talking with a young person this week who wants to be a doctor and I thought what a noble profession medicine is, how when you’re a doctor people respect your advice, because they know you’ve studied many years and passed a test confirming your...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (5)      

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

I’ve been talking about things I’ve learned from Christmas, and you all have been so patient to indulge my musings. We began by thinking about anticipation and how the anticipation of an event is often better than the event itself. I concluded by urging you to dream...