What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (1)

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (1)

VIEW VIDEO  Have you ever noticed that as you age your mind returns to distant moments in your life, events that seemed unimportant at the time, but when viewed in retrospect take on significance? Perhaps it was the first time you met your spouse. When my mother was...
What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (1)

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (2)

It is good to be back with you. I spent last weekend riding motorcycles with the Quaker Oatlaws Motorcycle Club and ended up at the Abraham Lincoln Boyhood Home in Lincoln City, Indiana, where the accomplishments of President Lincoln were on full display. When we...
Fruits of the Spirit (6)  (Galatians 5:22)

Fruits of the Spirit (6) (Galatians 5:22)

When the boys were in high school and still lived at home, our phone rang one evening. It was a friend calling to see if we wanted to meet the Dalai Lama, who was coming to Indianapolis the next day to give a speech.  Yes, we thought we did. So Joan took a day of...