Christianity 101: Does Jesus Save Us?

Christianity 101: Does Jesus Save Us?

Back when I was 16, and the Catholics traded me to the Quakers for two draft picks yet to be announced, I had to learn a whole new way of doing church. Out went the male-only leadership and obeying them always, in came Quaker women on a mission from God and staying...
Christianity 101: Does Jesus Save Us?

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (7)

VIEW VIDEO  One of the things I like most about living in a neighborhood is watching people move in and out. Some people you hate to see move away, and others you don’t. The best moment is when the moving van pulls up, and watching discretely as your new neighbors...
God and Guns

God and Guns

I remember when I was maybe six or seven years old and it came time for Christmas. My mom and dad must have come into a little extra money¸ because they asked us what we wanted for Christmas, which they had never done. We’d always just gotten what they could afford....