What in the World Were We Thinking? (Silence is Good for Everyone)

Finding Our Way (7)

VIEW VIDEO  My brother Glenn and his wife Laurie have retired and are traveling the world seeing the sights, last year Europe, this year the Wild West. Now they’re at a dude ranch in Wyoming, getting along with the little dogies, or whatever it is one does at a dude...
What in the World Were We Thinking? (Silence is Good for Everyone)

Christianity 101: Who Are We?      

VIEW VIDEO  I was up in Carmel last week giving a speech to a literary society for their spring banquet. It was a gorgeous spring day, so I drove there on the back roads, past farmers working their fields, with the redbuds and dogwoods in bloom and peonies popping up...
What in the World Were We Thinking? (Silence is Good for Everyone)

Growing Up (6)

We’ve been babysitting our granddaughter Madeline this summer, while her mother and father work. Her other grandparents attend a conservative Baptist church and have made some effort to bring Madeline around to their way of thinking, so I’ve taught Madeline to say,...