Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

How to Die Before You’re Dead (2)

VIEW VIDEO   It is good to be back with you. Last week, you’ll remember, was our Sunday for unprogrammed worship, which, since time immemorial, has been held on the fifth Sunday, four times a year. But the elders decided to have it last Sunday, the third Sunday,...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

You Might Be a Humanist If… (5)

We deplore efforts to denigrate human intelligence.  – Paul Kurtz Sometimes I’ll ask a child their favorite day of the year. Number one is always Christmas. Always. Number two is their birthday. And number three is almost always the last day of school. I feel so sorry...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

When Virtues Collide

Several weeks ago, the storm that knocked down buildings on Mooresville’s Main Street, toppled a tree in our yard, causing it to fall on, and demolish, our neighbor’s split rail fence. You’ll be shocked to learn the damage wasn’t covered by my homeowner’s insurance....