How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

VIEW VIDEO  Winter arrived this past week, and with it, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), when the lack of sunlight plunges many of us into despair. The solution, of course, is Florida, which raises other difficulties, namely snakes. When I said winter arrived, you...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

Finding Our Way (10)

VIEW VIDEO  Last month, Frank Gladden, bemoaning the scarcity of rain, questioned whether I had any pull with the Lord. I said, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?” He said, “My beans need rain. A real preacher would get me some rain.” So to save Frank’s beans and my...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

Every Child in Every Picture   

After my parents passed away, my brother David gathered all the family pictures together, divvied them up into five separate piles, based on the sibling featured in the photograph. My sister received the biggest stack of pictures, being the first child, and my brother...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

You Might Be a Humanist If… (4) 

VIEW VIDEO  “We affirm humanism as a realistic alternative to theologies of despair and ideologies of violence and as a source of rich personal significance and genuine satisfaction in the service to others.” – Paul Kurtz of Free Inquiry Whenever we go to the farm, we...