How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

VIEW VIDEO  Winter arrived this past week, and with it, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), when the lack of sunlight plunges many of us into despair. The solution, of course, is Florida, which raises other difficulties, namely snakes. When I said winter arrived, you...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

How to Die Before You’re Dead     

I walked into town one day this week for lunch. It was a glorious, early autumn days that God is inclined to grace us with every now and then. Brilliant blue skies, pleasant temperatures, farm equipment passing by, the farmers on their way to their next field. Autumn...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (7)

When I was a kid, my dad worked for Johnson Wax, selling Raid bug spray, Pledge furniture wax, and Glade air freshener, driving from one small town to another, all over the state of Indiana. It was the perfect job for an extrovert, seeing old friends and making new...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (1)

VIEW VIDEO  I was at the dentist’s this past week, bound to the chair with thick leather straps, the dental hygienist was cleaning between my teeth with a jackhammer, and Justin Bieber came on the radio singing All I Want for Christmas Is You. And there I was, stuck,...