What In the World Were We Thinking?  (Disownment for Marrying a Non-Quaker)

Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

There’s good news this week. If you’ve been putting off buying a Bible until the right one comes along, you’ll be pleased to know the official God Bless The USA Bible became available this week. It includes the King James version of the Bible, the Declaration of...
What In the World Were We Thinking?  (Disownment for Marrying a Non-Quaker)

How to Die Before You’re Dead (6)  

When I was a kid, we’d go visit my Grandma Norma down in Vincennes. She and Grandpa lived in a house built in 1832, which they’d bought in 1929 for $1600, and fixed up. My grandfather added on to it so perfectly you couldn’t tell where the old stopped and the new...
What In the World Were We Thinking?  (Disownment for Marrying a Non-Quaker)

Christianity 101: The Holy Spirit

VIEW VIDEO  I was at a weeklong conference up north about fifteen or so years ago. One morning after I spoke, I was chatting with folks, shaking hands, that kind of thing, when I was approached by three women, who asked if I would meet with them privately that...