How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

VIEW VIDEO  I’ve been thinking this week about family traditions, which we used to have in my family until my granddaughter was born and tradition went out the window. When my siblings and I were young and had birthdays, we received one present, a cake, and Mom would...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (6)  

When I was a kid, we’d go visit my Grandma Norma down in Vincennes. She and Grandpa lived in a house built in 1832, which they’d bought in 1929 for $1600, and fixed up. My grandfather added on to it so perfectly you couldn’t tell where the old stopped and the new...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

Finding Our Way (5)

I was looking at a replica of one of the earliest maps of North America not long ago and on that map, California appeared as an island. The first mention of California as an island was in the year 1510, so for the next 191 years California was rendered as an island on...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

Christianity 101: God 

VIEW VIDEO  I was talking with a young person this week who wants to be a doctor and I thought what a noble profession medicine is, how when you’re a doctor people respect your advice, because they know you’ve studied many years and passed a test confirming your...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual? (7)

When I was a kid, my dad worked for Johnson Wax, selling Raid bug spray, Pledge furniture wax, and Glade air freshener, driving from one small town to another, all over the state of Indiana. It was the perfect job for an extrovert, seeing old friends and making new...