Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

There’s good news this week. If you’ve been putting off buying a Bible until the right one comes along, you’ll be pleased to know the official God Bless The USA Bible became available this week. It includes the King James version of the Bible, the Declaration of...
Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

Quaker Qualities (Consistent Compassion)

This past week, I was at the bank and noticed the young woman working as a teller had her preferred pronouns, “she/her,” written on her name tag, just after her name. I thought, “Well, that’s just because she’s young and idealistic,” but then I noticed all...
Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

How to Die Before You’re Dead (7) 

VIEW VIDEO  I’ve been thinking this week about family traditions, which we used to have in my family until my granddaughter was born and tradition went out the window. When my siblings and I were young and had birthdays, we received one present, a cake, and Mom would...
Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

Finding Our Way (8)

VIEW VIDEO  I attended a Quaker conference this past spring where one of the event’s sponsors, a non-Quaker wanting to sell us insurance, started listing all the good things Quakers had done over the years—the antislavery work, the work for women’s equality, our...
Cultures of Crucifixion – Easter 2024

Christianity 101: Who Are We?      

VIEW VIDEO  I was up in Carmel last week giving a speech to a literary society for their spring banquet. It was a gorgeous spring day, so I drove there on the back roads, past farmers working their fields, with the redbuds and dogwoods in bloom and peonies popping up...