Things We Got Just Right (Vesting Power in People, Not Positions)
by Stacey Denny | Jul 24, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
When I first came to Fairfield, I had a bad case of the big head. I’d had several books published, still had hair, was married to a striking, intelligent woman, and was under the impression I was God’s gift to Quakerism. I rolled into here thinking how lucky you all...Quaker Qualities (Democratic Discernment)
by Stacey Denny | Feb 15, 2024 | GraceTalk Messages
It was my birthday this past week. I turned 63 and thought it important to have a little preventative maintenance done on my chassis, so Monday had my teeth cleaned, Tuesday had six pre-cancerous lesions frozen off, fasted on Wednesday, in preparation for a...How to Die Before You’re Dead (6)
by Stacey Denny | Dec 9, 2023 | GraceTalk Messages
When I was a kid, we’d go visit my Grandma Norma down in Vincennes. She and Grandpa lived in a house built in 1832, which they’d bought in 1929 for $1600, and fixed up. My grandfather added on to it so perfectly you couldn’t tell where the old stopped and the new...Finding Our Way
by Stacey Denny | Jul 6, 2023 | GraceTalk Messages
VIEW VIDEO Mike Goss and I rode our motorcycles up north to Quaker Haven Camp last week, nestled on the shores of Dewart Lake in Kosciusko County, which is itself named for the Polish general Tadeusz Kościuszko, who came to the aid of our nation during the...Upcoming Events
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