Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

How to Die Before You’re Dead (2)

VIEW VIDEO   It is good to be back with you. Last week, you’ll remember, was our Sunday for unprogrammed worship, which, since time immemorial, has been held on the fifth Sunday, four times a year. But the elders decided to have it last Sunday, the third Sunday,...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

Characteristics of Good Relationships (6)

Well, it’s good to be back. Joan and I enjoyed a weekend at the farm, and are now refreshed. Many thanks to Amanda Gainey and Ned Steele who rose to the occasion in my absence last Sunday. If I had a major award to share, I would share it with them. Joan received her...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

Characteristics of Good Relationships (2)

We’ve been hearing the word unprecedented a lot this month. My friend Howard Macy recently said the frequency of the word unprecedented is unprecedented. Every time I watch the news, I hear the word unprecedented, as if for the past 245 years, the United States has...
Cooperation, not Competition, as an Aspect of Community

Growing Up (9)

I have a friend who’s getting ready to ride his motorcycle across the country and stopped by the house one night this past week to tell me all the details. He invited me to join him, but I’m uninterested in any motorcycle trip that doesn’t end in fried chicken, so I...