Things We’re Supposed To Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (2)

Growing Up (9)

I have a friend who’s getting ready to ride his motorcycle across the country and stopped by the house one night this past week to tell me all the details. He invited me to join him, but I’m uninterested in any motorcycle trip that doesn’t end in fried chicken, so I...
Things We’re Supposed To Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (2)

Growing Up (1)

This past Monday, I was in a bad mood, out of sorts, and Joan was getting exasperated with me. We ordinarily get along very well, but I discerned from her plain Quaker speech that she was exasperated with me. “What’s wrong with you today?” she asked. I didn’t want to...
Things We’re Supposed To Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (2)

What COVID-19 Has Taught Me 

This is the first pandemic for most of us, having not been alive when the Spanish flu struck in 1918. We’ve had our share of epidemics since then─diphtheria, measles, polio, and AIDS, but nothing on the scale of COVID-19. FYI, epidemics strike specific regions or...
Things We’re Supposed To Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (2)

Palm Sunday 2020

Mark 11:1-10 When a pastor is dependent upon human interaction for their sermon illustrations, social distancing can be alarming. I never realized just how dependent I’d become upon the Clayton Café for inspiration. But I stayed away from others the entire week,...