What in the World Were We Thinking (Adversarial Religion) Philip Gulley

How to Die Before You’re Dead (6)  

When I was a kid, we’d go visit my Grandma Norma down in Vincennes. She and Grandpa lived in a house built in 1832, which they’d bought in 1929 for $1600, and fixed up. My grandfather added on to it so perfectly you couldn’t tell where the old stopped and the new...
What in the World Were We Thinking (Adversarial Religion) Philip Gulley

You Might Be a Humanist If… (6) 

VIEW VIDEO  We are citizens of the universe…– Paul Kurtz of Free Inquiry I’ve been thinking about our new grandson, Miles Henry Gulley, now 26 days old. If he had been born in China, he would be almost 10 months old, since infants born there are dated from the date of...
Fruits of the Spirit (9) (Galatians  5:22)

Fruits of the Spirit (9) (Galatians 5:22)

I was driving down US 36 the other morning on my way to breakfast with the Quaker Men, and fell in behind a pick-up truck. It had a sticker on the back window that I couldn’t quite make out, one of those silhouette stickers, so I sped up a little to see what it was,...