Finding Our Way (5)

Finding Our Way (5)

I was looking at a replica of one of the earliest maps of North America not long ago and on that map, California appeared as an island. The first mention of California as an island was in the year 1510, so for the next 191 years California was rendered as an island on...
Finding Our Way (5)

You Might Be a Humanist If…(2) 

VIEW VIDEO  The interesting thing about living in the same town you grew up in is the almost daily reminders not only of your best moments, but also your worst. Every street, sometimes every house, is a picture album, eliciting a memory, good or bad. In between our...
Finding Our Way (5)

You Might Be a Humanist If…(1) 

VIEW VIDEO  Good morning, friends. It is good to be back after yearly meeting and Fifth Sunday. After speculating three Sundays ago that if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a humanist, I am announcing the beginning of a new series entitled, “You Might Be a Humanist...
Finding Our Way (5)

Growing Up (12)

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this sermon series on the characteristics of grown-up people. This is the 12th sermon in this series, which makes it the longest sermon series I’ve ever given. Since God gave only 10 commandments, it feels arrogant to exceed that number, to...