Christianity 101: The True Woman

Christianity 101: The True Woman

VIEW VIDEO  I remember, this was 30 some years ago when I was pastoring up in the city, we were approaching Mother’s Day and a woman approached me and said, “I hope on Mother’s Day, you don’t talk about how wonderful mothers are, because mine wasn’t. My mother was...
Christianity 101: The True Woman

Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil? (5)

Religions are good at valuing truth, so long as it is old truth. When I was a kid, I delivered The Indianapolis News to 26 customers on the southside of Danville. It was the smallest paper route in town, due to my unwillingness to sign on new subscribers. Having only...
Christianity 101: The True Woman

Growing Up (11)

We have a friend whose son went off to college a few weeks ago. I was speaking with his father about it, who doubted his son’s ability to live on his own. “He won’t even make his own bed,” he told me. “I don’t how he’s going to succeed in school.” I had never seen his...