How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

VIEW VIDEO  When I was 6 years-old, my great-uncle Fritz died and I wanted to go to his funeral, not because I was especially fond of him, I barely knew him, but because I’d never seen a dead person, except in the movies. My brother Glenn, the veteran of several...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

How to Die Before You’re Dead (3)   

VIEW VIDEO  Winter arrived this past week, and with it, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), when the lack of sunlight plunges many of us into despair. The solution, of course, is Florida, which raises other difficulties, namely snakes. When I said winter arrived, you...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

Habits of Wholeness (8)

VIEW VIDEO Several years ago, Chris and Anne Gautier were at the farmhouse with Joan and me. It was in the summertime and we were sitting outside watching the birds, which were just thick down there. As we were watching, an iridescent blue bird landed on a feeder and...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

Habits of Wholeness (4)

VIEW VIDEO I drove down to our farmhouse this past Tuesday to mow, a trip now reminiscent of the Shackleton Antarctic expedition, except I wasn’t trapped by the ice a hundred miles short of the South Pole, but was stuck in Martinsville in the I-69 detour without food...
How to Die Before You’re Dead (4) 

Habits of Wholeness (3)

VIEW VIDEO Our granddaughter Madeline was visiting us this past week. I was up in my office working, and she was downstairs with Joan making brownies. They were discussing various topics, then I hear Madeline say, “I’m going to go upstairs and ask Papa to play Barbies...