Finding Our Way (5)

Finding Our Way (5)

I was looking at a replica of one of the earliest maps of North America not long ago and on that map, California appeared as an island. The first mention of California as an island was in the year 1510, so for the next 191 years California was rendered as an island on...
Finding Our Way (5)

Every Child in Every Picture   

After my parents passed away, my brother David gathered all the family pictures together, divvied them up into five separate piles, based on the sibling featured in the photograph. My sister received the biggest stack of pictures, being the first child, and my brother...
Finding Our Way (5)

Let’s Graduate

VIEW VIDEO  It is an honor to have our graduates with us today. How proud your family must be of you, and how delighted we are of your accomplishments.  For the past twelve years, some days when you didn’t feel like it, you woke up, got cleaned up, got dressed, ate...
Finding Our Way (5)

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (3)

I’ve been talking about things I’ve learned from Christmas, and you all have been so patient to indulge my musings. We began by thinking about anticipation and how the anticipation of an event is often better than the event itself. I concluded by urging you to dream...