Characteristics of Good Relationships (3)

Characteristics of Good Relationships (3)

VIEW VIDEO In my first church, whenever we had a meeting for business and someone would share an idea, there was this guy who’d stand up and say, “Let me tell you why that won’t work.” Sometimes, just to mix things up, he’d say, “Let me just play the devil’s advocate,...
Characteristics of Good Relationships (3)

Easter 2020

 What comes after death? I’ve been thinking about that this week, partly because it’s Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday, and partly because this pandemic is causing me to wonder what comes after this virus has departed or been defeated. What comes after...
A Good Provoking

A Good Provoking

It is good to be back among friends. Joan gave me a report and said everything went well in my absence. She told me Keith gave a fine sermon, though when I spoke to Keith he said he didn’t feel good about the message he’d brought, which is how I feel after every...