Finding Our Way (7)

Finding Our Way (7)

VIEW VIDEO  My brother Glenn and his wife Laurie have retired and are traveling the world seeing the sights, last year Europe, this year the Wild West. Now they’re at a dude ranch in Wyoming, getting along with the little dogies, or whatever it is one does at a dude...
Finding Our Way (7)

Is Religion A Force for Good or Evil? (4)

VIEW VIDEO  We’re continuing our discussion about religion and whether it is a force for good or evil. I thought it would be appropriate, before we went much further, to tell you how I came to believe in the Christian god. When I was a teenager, I began researching...
What the Miracles of Jesus Tell Us

What the Miracles of Jesus Tell Us

Joan and I were down in Monteagle, Tennessee recently, participating in a Chautauqua, a movement began almost 150 years ago as a means of educating Sunday school teachers by exposing them to lecturers from a variety of fields. I think it’s safe to say I’m probably not...