Things We got Just Right (Our Insistence on Equality)

How to Die Before You’re Dead (11) 

I know those people who were counting on a stunning come-from-behind victory for Vivek Ramaswamy are surely disappointed after his departure from the presidential race this week. I think we can all agree our nation has been well-served by billionaires with no...
Things We got Just Right (Our Insistence on Equality)

Finding Our Way (8)

VIEW VIDEO  I attended a Quaker conference this past spring where one of the event’s sponsors, a non-Quaker wanting to sell us insurance, started listing all the good things Quakers had done over the years—the antislavery work, the work for women’s equality, our...
Things We got Just Right (Our Insistence on Equality)

Let’s Graduate

VIEW VIDEO  It is an honor to have our graduates with us today. How proud your family must be of you, and how delighted we are of your accomplishments.  For the past twelve years, some days when you didn’t feel like it, you woke up, got cleaned up, got dressed, ate...