What In the World Were We Thinking? (Our Belief in the End Times)

A Detour from Humanism, Albeit Brief   

VIEW VIDEO   These past few years, since her husband became disabled, I’ve been doing the upkeep on my sister’s home. It’s a well-built home, built in the 1960s of Bedford limestone, but was nearly ruined by the previous owner who fancied himself an expert on home...
What In the World Were We Thinking? (Our Belief in the End Times)

Things I’ve Learned From Christmas (1)

VIEW VIDEO  I was at the dentist’s this past week, bound to the chair with thick leather straps, the dental hygienist was cleaning between my teeth with a jackhammer, and Justin Bieber came on the radio singing All I Want for Christmas Is You. And there I was, stuck,...
What In the World Were We Thinking? (Our Belief in the End Times)

This Too Shall Pass 

VIEW VIDEO  Every Sunday, on our way home from meeting, I ask Joan if she liked my sermon, and every Sunday she squeezes my hand and says it was wonderful. We’ve been doing that now for 37 years and it’s been a wonderful arrangement. Except last Sunday, when I asked...
What In the World Were We Thinking? (Our Belief in the End Times)

Growing Up (4)

Have you ever noticed how some things we give little thought to shape our lives so dramatically? For instance, the concept of time. Scientists believe the moon was used to calculate time as early as the Paleolithic Era, perhaps 30,000 years ago. We know the Sumerians,...