PlainSpeech Messages | Find YOUR way to GRACE.

I recently read a message I’d given in 1984 and felt a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. Embarrassed because it seems inadequate now, and surprised by how much my worldview has changed. Twenty-five years from now, I might read these messages and have a similar reaction. I offer no guarantee that my work or words will endure the eroding effects of time. I can only assure you these thoughts have been helpful to me, and perhaps a few others, today. With that qualification, I offer them to you.

~ Philip


Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (12)

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this sermon series on the characteristics of grown-up people. This is the 12th sermon in this series, which makes it the longest sermon series I’ve ever given. Since God gave only 10 commandments, it feels arrogant to exceed that number, to...

Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (11)

We have a friend whose son went off to college a few weeks ago. I was speaking with his father about it, who doubted his son’s ability to live on his own. “He won’t even make his own bed,” he told me. “I don’t how he’s going to succeed in school.” I had never seen his...

Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (10)

Begin by listening to Tim McGraw’s song, Humble and Kind.  Here’s the link: This past Tuesday I couldn’t sleep, so I began counting how many sermons I’ve preached. Some people count sheep, I count sermons. 36 years of...

Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (9)

I have a friend who’s getting ready to ride his motorcycle across the country and stopped by the house one night this past week to tell me all the details. He invited me to join him, but I’m uninterested in any motorcycle trip that doesn’t end in fried chicken, so I...

Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (8)

Several years ago, I was in Virginia speaking at a Baptist Church. I’m always surprised whenever Baptists invite me to speak at their church, though I invariably enjoy myself. I gave my first sermon in a Baptist church in Vincennes, Indiana. I was 21 years old, their...

Things We’re Supposed to Believe, But Maybe Shouldn’t (4)

Growing Up (7) Self-Differentiation

A friend of mine posted a picture of a snake on a tree. The caption read, “Find the snake.” I looked and looked, but never could find it, because the snake was so well camouflaged I couldn’t see where the tree ended and the snake began. It was probably just as well...

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